

Breed: Japanese Spitz

Gender: Male

Weights: 36.8 lbs

Age: 6 yrs old

Good with dogs: Yes calm adult dogs

Good with cats: Yes

Good with kids: No

Housetrained: Yes

Crate trained: Yes

Leash Trained: Yes

Energy level: low-medium

Health Concerns:

HW status: Negative 

Spay/neutered?: Yes

Tell us about this dog: Sadly Sampson was returned to rescue. This was a very hard decision for his adopters, They love Sampson so very much. Unfortunately he does not do well with kids. He gets very nervous and will shake tremendously around young kids. He will growl at them if they try to mess with him. Sampson doesn't enjoy overactive puppies or hyper dogs. For his well-being and comfort, his owners felt he would do much better in a child free home.

Sampson is the absolute sweetest, loving and very gentle boy. He is a very calm dog and has the greatest house manners. He loves to be around adults and will just follow you around and sit beside you all the time.

Sampson is a very prim and proper elegant boy who enjoys his baths, getting brushed, and going to the groomers.

Sampson loves his treats. He absolutely favors and prefers his vegetables. Broccoli and carrots are his favorite.

he is a very good listener and is so great on a leash. He loves being pampered and praised, he has the greatest little smile ever. He is just the best boy and is so appreciative of everything