Little Girl

Little Girl

BG Breed: Border Collie / Alaskan Malamute Mix

Gender: Female

Weights: 48 lbs

Age: 2 yrs

Good with dogs: Yes

Good with cats: Yes

Good with kids: Yes

House trained: In Progress

Crate trained: In Progress

Leash Trained: In Progress

Energy level: Medium

Health Concerns: Missing one of her eyes due to a past injury she sustained from being  hit by a car.

HW status: Negative 

Spay/neutered?: Yes

Tell us about this dog: Little Girl was surrendered to rescue by her family. This was not a case of they just didn't want their dog anymore. They love her so very much and had shed many tears over having to let her go. It was a extremely thought out heartbreaking decision they made to protect her from harm or death. You see Little Girl can clear a 4ft fence without any hesitation. The owners tried everything possible to prevent her from jumping their fence. They event tried to highly recommended coyote rollers and she still just scaled over them.  The area they live is surrounded by ranchers and livestock owners. Although Little Girl has never harmed the owners own livestock of Horses. The neighbors are the type that will shoot a dog on site if it comes on their property without taking in consideration the dog may be friendly. Because of this and the fear of harm coming to her the owners decided her safety was their top priority and finding a safer home for her would be best. 

Little Girl is extremely intelligent. She Knows multiple commands including Sit, Down, Stay, Touch, Paw, and Touch. She is house trained. Has been crated but not on a regular basis as it was not needed. The times she has been crated she did very well in them. Little Girl walks beautifully on a leash, loves car rides, and has the best manners when taken into stores. 

Little girl is dog friendly, does wonderful with cats, and absolutely loves children.  Little girl has so much love to give and really enjoys being with her people.  When she looks at you, you can just see how pure her soul is.  Little Girl  is such a loyal dog. She has so much love to give. 

It has been found Little Girl does have a tendency to follow what others dog do. If they chase chickens she will join in. 

She mainly is just an all around wonderful dog. She would do great in a apartment/condo, a house with a yard with high fences, or in the country with lots of land. She is going to be such a blessing to a very lucky family.